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From the Archives - Opening of the New Ground Part 1!

From the Archives - Opening of the New Ground Part 1!

Mark Sampson2 Jan 2018 - 10:00
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We now move on to a series of unseen photographs from the opening of the new ground on Thrumpton Park.

From a series of unseen photographs from the old ground at Twentylands down the other end of the village we now move on to a series of unseen photographs from the opening of the new ground on Thrumpton Park.

From 16th June 1968 comes another black and white team photograph shot from another angle.

(Back row) JD Church, A Pepper (umpire), J Sewell, A Brooks, R McFarlane, R Priestley, W Pepper, T Johnson, C Powdrill, J Smith, A Shaw, NW Shaw

(Front row) Miss S Butler (scorer), D Smith, Rear Admiral Sherbrooke VC, Hon. G Seymour (President), R Pick, A Butler, GC Shaw (captain)

Further reading