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Groundforce weekend of 6th & 7th April staring at 10.00 am

Groundforce weekend of 6th & 7th April staring at 10.00 am

Naren PANDURANGAN28 Mar 2019 - 11:45
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Groundforce Weekend with a list of jobs to be done outside and in the pavilion. New Kitchen built.

Dear Members/Players/Parents,

We are planning to conduct the Groundforce day on 6th and 7th April starting at 10am.

Below are the list of activities:

Pavilion and Outdoor Jobs:

  • Remove the Cover Sheets from Pavilion and put back on Frames covers if not already done.
  • Put Boundary Rope onto Boundary Fencing.
  • Repaint the Fencing Style White Marker Posts with white paint.
  • Touch up rust spots on the Pavilions white railings.
  • Clean and Paint the wooden "Sliding Doors" of the Kitchen Cabinets.
  • Empty Pavilion of Benches and Patio Tables
  • Empty Score Box of Patio Chairs and put Benches back out around the Boundary.
  • Remove old netting from the "TOP" Cricket Cage and Refit it with "New Netting" if it has been delivered in time. Then push the Cage back into its Top Corner location.

Cleaning of Pavilion:

  • Clean all Fridge Freezers.
  • Clean Drinks Chillers and repair lighting in main chiller, hopefully this will be done by Gary Miller.
  • Clean all door surfaces of Doors leading into Kitchen,Toilets and Changing Rooms.
  • In all areas of the Pavilion Clean and remove cobwebs, dust, dead flies etc
  • Clean Trophy Cabinet Glass and front door glass.
  • When able Sweep all of the Pavilion Floor and then Wash/Mop areas which need it.
  • Clean outside Chrome Plaques on the Pavilion Wall.
  • Remove from the Disabled Toilet area any unnecessary clutter and lost property.
  • Dig over and weed the front border ready for replanting.
  • To be done another time but before the new Season Starts.
  • Repaint the Pavilion Floor.
  • Spread soil and grass seed on the parts of the outfield not yet recovered from last Season's Drought Conditions.

We have recently had a Total Refurbishment of our Kitchen area, which was kindly carried out by Club Member Steve Hildred of Tip Top Kitchens.

It would be great if the above jobs can be completed over the Groundforce weekend and it would will bring our Pavilion facilities and Ground up to scratch and compliment our newly rebuilt kitchen.

Bacon Cobs, Biscuits Tea and Coffee will be available to all who turn up to help with the above work.

As you can see there is a lot to do, hopefully we have a good turnout so our Club is ready and looking as good as possible by the start of the Season.


Further reading