History of the Club 5 of 11

5. Thrumpton cc 1920 season

January 8th 1920

A meeting was held in the school room this evening when it was decided to reopen the village cricket club. It was found necessary to raise the subscriptions to 5 shillings and under the age of 16 2shillings and 6 pence.

The following officers were elected:--

President The Rev Lord Byron
Vice President Mr W Cursham
Captain J Shaw
Vice Captain C Sharp
Hon Sec & Treasurer F Shotbolt

Committee :--

Chairman Mr C Marshall
Mr J Shaw, Mr C Sharp
Mr E Adams, Mr F Donnellan

Groundsman Mr G Hains
Umpire Mr G Barrows

January 26th 1920

A meeting was held at the hall comprising Mr C Marshall, Mr J Shaw, Mr E Adams, Mr C Sharp and Mr F Donnellan.

It was decided that 3 whist drives should be arranged to help raise the necessary funds. Mr Kingsbury has kindly consented to let us have the old cricket ground at a rental cost of 1 pound for the season.

It was proposed at the meeting that there should be a chairman and Mr C Marshall was proposed by Mr J Shaw, seconded by Mr E Adams.

It was decided that there should be no practice on Friday evenings. All members should hand in their subscriptions by the 1st of May.

Tools belonging to the old cricket club are handed over to the present club.

February 23rd 1920

Tools in hand end of season

4 Bats, 2 pair of leg pads, 3 balls, 1 set of stumps & bails, stumping gloves, 1 bat handle, 1 grass mower & box, 1 bucket & marking brush.

Tools brought

4 bats, 1 cricket bag, 3 pairs of leg guards, 2 pairs of batting gloves & balls, 1 score book, 1 set of stumps & bails.


Balance from old cricket club 7s 0d
Proceeds from 3 whist drives 12-6s-0d
The Rev Lord Byrons subscription 2-0s-0d
Mr W Curshams subscription 1-0s-0d
Mr Derbyshires subscription 1-0s-0d
Members subscription 7s-0d


Cleaning school Jan 23rd 1920 2s-0d
125 whist drive cards 3s-9d
Gentlemans 1st prize 7s-6d
Gunn & Moore 14-10s-9d
50 fixture cards 1-15s-0d
Advert Nottingham Post 2s-0d
Linseed Oil 1s-3d
Rent of ground – Mr Kingsbury 1- 0s-0d

18- 2s-3d

Balance in hand 5-16s-9d