Tuesday February 8th 1921
A meeting was held in the schoolroom this evening, Mr C Sharp being made the Chairman. The accounts and averages were read out by our late secretary Mr F Shotbolt.
It was decided to return the annual subscription of 5 shillings as last year.
It was also proposed and passed that 2 groundsmen were should be elected, respectively Mr Hains and Mr Davis.. The said groundsmen should receive 30 shillings each in payment for their services, to which they consented.
An umpire was elected, Mr R Carruthers who is to receive 1 shillings per match. Mr A Adams consented to be the scorer.
The following rules were drawn up for the benefit of the club:--
The following Officers were elected
Mr J Shaw, Mr F Shotbolt, Mr C Sharp, Mr R Hibbard, Mr R Carruthers (jnr)
Mr W Hains, Mr G Davis
Mr R Carruthers (snr)
Mr A Adams
Tuesday February 15th 1921
A committee meeting was held in the school house comprising of Mr J Shaw, Mr C Sharp, Mr R Hibbard and Mr C Carruthers
A general estimate was made as regards the expenses of the coming year, in view of which it was decided to put the pavilion in the hands of Mr Sturgess for repairs.
It was proposed and passed that a whist drive and dance should be held in aid of the club, 30 shillings being taken from the present money in hand to pay for the prizes.
Monday February 21st 1921
A whist drive and dance was held in the school, the prizes for the whist drive being bought from the club funds as follows:--
Receipts from whist drive 2-16s-0d
Balance 1-8s-1d