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Thrumpton 2010-2015 7 of 7

7. 2015


The Smith Trophy

Batsman of the Year

Bowler of the Year

1st XI
2nd XI
3rd XI
Sun XI

Most Catches

ARP Priestley Young Player of the Year


Thrumpton 1st XI Rothera Dowson Division C

Rothera Dowson Division 3PlWW/DTL/DLNRW+TB+BPenPts
Plumtree 2ndXi181040121246460294
Attenborough 2ndXI181110051236290265
Gotham 1stXI18810171178490227
Kirkby Portland 1stXI18710163170490219
Keyworth 1stXI18800181168390207
Beeston & Toton Sycamore 1stXI18700362158420200
Southwell 1stXI18700362158410199
Thrumpton 1stXI186100101136560192
Hucknall 2ndXI185100102122583177
Gedling Colliery 2ndXI18310012282670149

Thrumpton 1stXI Fixtures & Results
2-May-15DSouthwell191-7F Forman 3-44Thrumpton191-7A Haq 61
9-May-15LThrumpton149A Haq 44Plumtree 2ndXI218J Scully 3-28
16-May-15LThrumpton171A Wahid 58Beeston & Toton Sycamore174F Forman 3-24
23-May-15LGotham 1stXI143-2Thrumpton140J Rye 45
30-May-15LKeyworth !stXI141-3Thrumpton139J Rye 50*
6-Jun-15WThrumpton192J Richardson 97Attenborough119F Forman 5-15
20-Jun-15WThrumpton140A Shah 62 Hucknall 2ndXI88J Scully 5-37
27-Jun-15WBeeston & Toton Sycamore112M Sampson 4-38Thrumpton263-9J Scully 70*
A Sha 55
4-Jul-15LKirkby Portland214-6A Haq 3-32Thrumpton210A Haq 71
11-Jul-15LThrumpton155Southwell156-4J Richardson 39
18-Jul-15WThrumpton102-8J Scully 34Gotham 1stXI100F Forman5-20
G Pick 4-41
25-Jul-15WGedling Colliery 2ndXI190J Richardson 4-45Thrumpton268-8J Richardson 98
A Haq 78
1-Aug-15AThrumpton223-9A Wahid 67Gedling Colliery 2ndXI103-6G Pick 4-51
8-Aug-15WHucknall 2ndXI181J Richardson 4-23Thrumpton232-7A Haq 85
15-Aug-15LThrumpton148-9Keyworth 1stXI153-4
22-Aug-15LPlumtree 2ndXI150-7M Sampson 5-27Thrumpton149
29-Aug-15LThrumpton115Kirkby Portland170T Harker 5-39
5-Sep-15LAttenborough 2ndXI205A Pick 4-35Thrumpton146J Scully 31


Thrumpton 2ndXI Carlton Care Division J

Carlton Car Centre Division JPlWW/DTL/DLNRW+TB+BPenPts
Attenborough 3rdXI1815000121921160308
Chilwell 1stXI1811000611361030241
Keyworth 2ndXI1811000701321041235
Clifton Village 3rdXI181000053138951232
Bramcote 2ndXI18900072120870207
Cotgrave Welfare 1stXI18700083102661167
Oxton 1stXI18600011178760154
Hoveringham 2ndXI18500012166851150
Wollaton 3rdXI18500011272751146
Thrumpton 2ndXI18200013342660106