Thrumpton Cricket Club
Minutes of the committee meeting held on
Monday 17th October 2011 at the Sun Inn Gotham
Present: Rae Shaw (Chair), Steve Pick (Secretary), Stuart Basford, Paul Burns, Mark Priestley,
Mark Sampson, Steve Weightman
Apologises/Missing: Dave Fowkes, Steve Pepper, Ray Smithson, Jordan Thelen, Gurdev Singh,
John Richardson
Matters Arising:
The cheque has arrived back from Nottinghamshire CC for coach training courses. This is to be reused again at a later date.
Letter in response to Trevor Vennett-Smith email to be sent out once vetted by committee – Waiting to be processed by Steve Pick.
The loam has arrived – Steve Weightman dealt with.
The 2nd XI finished Runners Up to Lambley and got promoted to Division H.
Junction box for electric fence has been replaced.
All groundwork has been completed, all machinery has been repaired and stored away for the winter.
Pavilion Matters:
The water is to be turned off in the pavilion.
The eaves on the pavilion need repairing/replacing – obtain quotes for either repairing/replacing
Playing Matters:
The SNCL leagues have been announced for the forthcoming season 2012. The leagues are on the SNCL website.
The club website is currently being updated.
Paul Burns had said that next seasons Sunday fixtures have started coming in.
Paul Burns is to contact Burton Joyce about a fixture for next season.
The committee has decided to drop next seasons Saturday friendly fixtures in September due to the lack of player’s availability.
Treasurers Report & Funding:
Stuart Basford has produced some temporary reports – bar takings and donations are up on last season. Stuart also wishes to thank Ray Smithson for all his help this year. Stuart is also very happy with the current situation that he club is in.
Paul Burns has been approached to organise another race night for same time next year with the same venue. Paul Burns to speak to Race organiser and Stuart Basford to speak to Gotham Village Memorial Hall.
Send out Thank You letters to all Match Ball sponsors asking them if they are willing to sponsor again next season. All outstanding sponsors to be used at the beginning of next season – Stuart Basford to pass on list to Steve Weightman for outstanding sponsors. Stuart is also to produce a list of used sponsors to Steve Pick to send out letters.
Rae Shaw along with Paul Burns are completing an application form for East Midland Community Fund for it to be discussed at their next meeting in December 2011. The club is asking for funding to lay an artificial wicket in the static net and to repair all the netting on the static net and mobile net. Normal funding is around £2000.00. The cost of laying a wicket is £1320.00 + VAT, new netting for mobile net and static double nets is £273.00. Rae Shaw has prepared an explanation letter should it be required.
Clubmark meeting at Trent Bridge on 20th October 2011 – Mark Sampson and Paul Burns to attend and report at the next meeting.
Amendment required for the Club Constitution once Clubmark is obtained.
Child Protection:
David Fowkes is to be approached to ask if he could take a more active role in Child Protection, also to check everybody’s CRB’s to see when they expire.
Youth and Kwik Cricket:
Kwik – Nets have been organised again – times 5pm to 7pm on Sunday nights – dates to be confirmed
Youth – The club propose to run U12’s Super 8, U13’s and U15’s Super 8.
The club is to ask about new kit.
The David Gant gate is completed (Ray Smithson to collect when he comes back off holiday). It will officially be opened on Presentation Night.
Ray Smithson is to be congratulated on the website, but the committee wish to have a discussion at the next meeting.
Life members need to be nominated at the AGM.
It was suggested that the club create two Parent reps to sit on the committee – one for Kwik and one for Youth – Mark Priestley was going to sound out prospective parents.