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April 2nd 2012
Committee Meetings & AGM's 7 of 12

7. April 2nd 2012

Minutes of meeting held on Monday 2nd April 2012 in the pavilion Thrumpton Cricket Club

Present: Rae Shaw (Chair), Steven Pick (Secretary), Paul Burns, Peter Benson, Kieran Clark,
Mark Priestley, Nick Proverbs, Stuart Basford, Mark Sampson, Ray Smithson, Steve Weightman,
John Richardson
Apologises/Missing: Steven Pepper, Jordan Thelen

Before the meeting commenced, Rae Shaw welcomed Kieran Clark to the committee and a big thankyou for taking over as Club Welfare Officer.

Matters Arising:
Match ball sponsorship letters have been sent out. The club has received some response back with donations for the forthcoming season - Ron Priestley and Bernard Spilsbury sent in cheques. More donations are expected.

1st XI umpire Steven Pick was advised by his surgeon that he would be unable to stand this season. It was decided that the 1st XI captain would approach David O’Neal and also Chris Dabell. If this proved to be unsuccessful then the club would advertise on the website.

Stuart Basford to check bank account to see if the Club has received any monies from East Midland Community Fund.

Steven Pick and Mark Priestley have received their new CRB’s. Steven Pepper is still sorting his CRB out and hopefully it will be completed in the near future.

The Build Centre account has been set up. E-on fixture is still waiting to be organised.
Welcome Packs still in progress. Stuart Basford still to speak to the brewery about barrels and pumps in scorebox.

Steve Weightman has advised that the outfield has been cut

Steve Weightman also mentioned about the ground movement which is starting to go onto the square – HOW DO WE STOP IT. Peter Benson is going to speak to some ground technicians who he deals with to inspect – Peter to discuss at next meeting

Mark Priestley informed committee that the cows come in at the end of the month.

Pavilion Matters:
A lot of work was carried out at the Nat West Cricket Force event on 31.3.2012. Mark Sampson has got another contact for some more paint.

Ray Smithson turned on the water and Paul Burns has bled the showers. Stuart Basford has received the Liability Insurance and it has been put on the notice board. Stuart Basford has said that the septic tank has been emptied.

Ray Smithson is going to try to repair the can crusher. If unsuccessful he will obtain a new one. Martin Howick has agreed to supply more flowers for the Club.

Playing Matters:

The league have cancelled both 1st XI bank holiday fixtures for this season. The league will revert back to playing 18 league matches, the 1st XI will only play Bottesford and Wilsons once this season.

Playing staff looking OK at the moment with a few players making themselves available again. A new player has joined the Club – Josh Scully (a Level 2 qualified coach) – previously played in the Northamptonshire league for Burton Latimer.

14th April V Risley – to be played on astroturf – John to speak with Khan about captaining
15th April V Sutton Bonington – Mark Sampson has already got 9 players to be played on astroturf
21st April V Kegworth – U15 match – to be played on astroturf
22nd April V Breaston – Nick Proverbs unavailable to captain side – to be played on astroturf
28th April V Sutton Bonington – John/Mark to organise – to be played on grass weather permitting
29th April V Nelsons Ashes – want 1.30pm start because on distance to travel
4th May V Nigel Garlick XI – T20 match – start time 6pm

John Stanley has approached Mark Sampson. John is now working at Boots and wants to know whether the Club will reinstate the T20 fixture with Boots this season again.

Treasurers Report and Funding:

Paul Burns has paid for the nets at Trent Bridge with a loss of £48 due to the lack of players attending.

Linda Gant has sent the Club a cheque on behalf of David’s three sisters. The cheque was for £1400.00 from sponsors for taking part in the Robin Hood _ marathon (making a rough total of approx £3000.00 from David’s estate). Rae Shaw is to send out Thank You letters to all his sisters.

The Club is currently running at a loss of £1348.00

Paul Burns applied for the ECB Small Grant Scheme, but it was oversubscribed. Paul is going to reapply next season.

Steve Weightman suggested a Car Boot Sale at the ground as a possible fund raising venture – Rae Shaw to approach the Hall estate to ask permission


Continued work in progress. Mark Sampson, Nick Proverbs and Gary Miller have all obtained their Level 1 coaching qualifications (just awaiting arrival of certificates).

New player Josh Scully is a Level 2 qualified coach.

The Club now have Four ECB young leaders. When the certificates arrive, it was suggested that the players concerned have their photographs taken along with Laura Hinds from E-on whose donation paid for the courses.

Child Protection:

Kieran Clark asked that the Club (Committee & Players) put the Safeguarding Policy into practice and has requested a meeting with all the coaches and captains to discuss issues and policies.

Kieran also requested that the Club have an incident book and it to be kept secured and only certain members have access to this book.

Kieran handed out CRB forms to John Richardson X 2

Youth and Kwik Cricket:

Notts and Arnold U13’s have dropped out the league.
The 1st youth outdoor net session is on 21.4.2012.
The kwiks have only one session left.
The 1st kwik outdoor net session is on 26.4.2012.

The coaches have decided between themselves that Mark Priestley & Mark Sampson look after the U12’s, Paul & Nick look after the U15’s. The U13’s will be looked after by all the coaches.

Mark Priestley is going to look at possibly restructuring the youth and kwik nets for next season

Any Other Business

Rae – Presentation Night – BBQ food, salad etc

Paul – Trophies – a new trophy for the Clubman of the Year
- Winter Nets – having listened to remarks made by players about time and days, I asked if any other times and dates available. NCCC have replied with 4 weeks starting 5.3.2013 8pm-9pm. I am also going to ask if session 7pm-8pm available on any days.

- Diane Blatherwick rang me during the week and said that she was organising a surprise 60th birthday party for George on 14.4.2012 at Gotham CC. Everybody was welcome.

Peter – No issues

Kieran – No issues

Mark P – A lady has organised raffle prizes for when the Kwiks are at home

- Jubilee Committee has expressed thanks to the Club for the use of facilities. If the weather is fine, the committee would like events to start between 1.30pm/2pm and going on to a later time.

Nick – I am unable to stand for all Sunday matches. The reason I stood for Sunday captain was on the understanding I was getting help from Luke Stratford, but now Luke has moved down to Essex , so I
am now on my own

Stuart – No issues

Mark Sampson

Ray – Laminated signs to be put in the nets stating NO SPIKES and also in each changing room stating NO SPIKES ON THE ASTROTURF- Anybody struggling to put reports onto the website, please email them to me.

Steve W – No issues

John – No issues

Steve Pick – Match balls and relevant paperwork handed out to the captains.
- Invoices and Cheques passed over to the Treasurer.

Next Meeting: